For the Love of the Breed

Lyla, Lucy, & Lemon are our labs
Our Health Standards

Hips & Elbows
Hips and Elbows are common orthopedic problems seen in the English labrador. These conditions are usually inherited, but can be due to the poor nutrition, overweight or inadequate exercise. At two years old labradors can get their full certification. Those that receive a high rating will pass hip certification and receive a certification number.

Eye Certification
Labradors are also at risk for eye issues such as PRA (progressive retinal atrophy) responsible breeders aiming to produce healthy puppies, will conduct eye testing on both parents prior to breeding.

Is the only permanent identification form that can reunite you with your pet. unlike collars and ID tags the microchip will last the life of your pet. When scanned , a chip admits a unique ID number which can be identified with microchip company, the best reason to have your pet microchip is the improve chance that you’ll get your dog back if lost or stolen.